東京都美術館× 東京藝術大学 「とびらプロジェクト」






Come to the Museum and let’s enjoy communication beyond the word!
The world of Japanese Calligraphy “Sho”  is very deep, and so interesting! Once you enjoy the exhibition of Japanese Calligraphy with other people, you can find a favorite work.
Mul-Cul Museum” is a program aiming to communicate with other people who has “multicultural” background through Art.
Please feel free to join and apply for the program!


日時|2017年2月26日(日) 13:00〜15:00(13:00 集合)
集合|東京都美術館 LB 階(ロビー階)ミュージアムショップ前
定員|10名 *先着順。定員に達し次第、受付を終了します。

Date|Sunday, February 26, 2017
Time|13:00 – 15:00
Venue|Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
Meeting place|Lobby entrance
Eligible applicant|More than 18 years old and able to speak simple Japanese
Participation fee|Free charge

The application will be closed as soon as the number of participants reaches the limit.

We will use simple Japanese.

We apologize in advance for taking photographs in the aim of record and publicity.






 日時 2016年11月26日(土)13:30~16:00(受付開始時刻13:00〜)
 会場 東京都美術館「ゴッホとゴーギャン展」、アートスタディルーム
 集合場所 東京都美術館 ロビー階(LBF)ミュージアムショップ前
 対象 耳の聞こえない人と聞こえる人
 定員 16名
 参加費 「ゴッホとゴーギャン展」チケット代(障害者手帳をお持ちの方は無料)
 参加方法 事前申し込み(先着順)
 その他 ※お申込み前に「迷惑メール」などの設定を確認し、








 日時 2016年9月24日(土)12:30~16:00(12:20より受付開始)
 会場 東京都美術館「木々との対話」展、アートスタディルーム、上野公園
 集合場所 東京都美術館ミュージアムショップ前(ロビー階)
 対象 小学生(3年生以上)とその保護者*こどもが2人以上でもご参加いただけます。
 定員 5組(10名程度)
 参加費 「木々との対話展」チケット代(高校生以下は無料)
 参加方法 事前申し込み(先着順)
 その他 ※お申込み前に「迷惑メール」などの設定を確認し、


The “TOBI Gateway Project” begins!


After three days of screening, 68 Art Communicator candidates were chosen. Including the 26 people who applied and had previously volunteered at the “Special Art Viewing Event for the Disabled,” we started off with a total of 94 Art Communicator candidates (TOBIRA Candidates).

There was nearly five times the amount of applications compared to the 68 chosen candidates. The applicants all had high motivation and awareness, so it was a difficult journey to choose the candidates. We ask for your understanding in that we had to give consideration to age, gender, and team balance when making our choices.

The TOBI Gateway Project had its real start on April 14th. From now, it will continue into Foundation Courses and Practical Application Courses. This blog will be uploaded from time to time about the TOBIRA’s activities, of course, as well as show things like the TOBIRAs at a TOBI exhibition, the restaurant, the café, and the Tokyo University of the Arts which is on the grounds next to us.
I hope you will continue to support the TOBI Gateway Project! (Itō)

TOBI and TOBIRA Project Logos


In conjunction with the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (“TOBI”) reopening following renovation, the first TOBI logo since the Museum’s opening was created. It was designed by Tokujin Yoshioka, and it captures TOBI’s history and the impression of its substantial facade. It truly symbolizes TOBI.

Here is a drawing with an image of the “TOBI Gateway Project” activities, drawn by the artist Katsuhiko Hibino, who was inspired by the logo.

“TOBIRA” is drawn here with the hope that people who visit TOBI like artists, locals and students can come and make connections with other visitors while thinking of it as their own museum.

Also, based on this drawing, Yui Takada designed the TOBIRA Project logo. It was created with the “passing of the baton” by the thoughts of many people. I hope that both logos continue to be loved by all. (Itō)