東京都美術館× 東京藝術大学 「とびらプロジェクト」


3rd Practical Application Course on Architectural Tours: “Thinking about the Tour Course (1)”

The 3rd Practical Application Course on Architectural Tours took place. All of the TOBIRA candidates (hereafter: TOBIKOs) submitted homework from the previous class titled “Making a Tour Course,” which each individual had prepared for the curator in charge, Ms. Kono. This time, Ms. Kono selected three ideas from the submitted course plans, and those three TOBIKOs actually presented their mock tours. While including the methods and compositions of tours they had learned so far, the history of TOBI, and characteristics of the building, they described the Museum in their own way.

The tours were not just oral explanations; each tour had its own creative twists and there were some “aha” moments. For example, they utilized a sketch book to illustrate clearly and showed an actual broken piece of the outside wall from the renovation that ended the previous year.

The content of Course included TOBI’s signature exterior wall of red brick-like tiles, but also included the inside structure of the Museum as well.

Walking around the building while actually listening to the tour conductor’s stories allowed us to experience firsthand the ambiance of various locations in TOBI. There were things the participants themselves discovered and noticed as well.

After the mock tours, the participants all discussed the tours’ positive aspects and points of improvement. In the future, by utilizing the feedback from the mock tours they created themselves, they will develop courses and contents for Practical Application Architecture Tours.

I wonder what kinds of tours will be created. We can all look forward to them! (Iku Ōtani, TOBI Gateway Project Assistant)




